Van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. (2015). Cluttering: Current views on its nature, assessment and treatment. New York, Lincoln, Shanghai: iUniverse.
Van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. (2018). Cluttering: Current views on its nature, assessment and treatment. Tokyo, Japan: GAKUENSHA, K.K. (in Japanese).
International Publications
Reichel, I. & Cook, S. (2018). Wykorzystanie doświadczeń dyscyplin pokrewnych w kształtowaniu postaw studentów logopedii wobec jąkania (Drawing on allied disciplines in improving attitudes of graduate students toward stuttering). In K. Węsierska & K. Gaweł (Eds.). Zaburzenia płynności mowy (Fluency Disorders). Gdańsk: Harmonia Universalis Publisher.
Reichel, I., & Draguns J.G. (2017), Historic highlights and recent advances in understanding of cluttering, in J. Góral-Półrola, G. Jastrzębowska (Ed.), Mowa i komunikacja. Od teorii do praktyki (pp. 105 – 115). Kielce. Poland: Wydawnictwo StSW.
Tarkowski, Z., Góral-Półrola J., & Reichel I. (2017), Mowa bezładna, in Z. Tarkowski (ed.), Patologia mowy (pp.165-195). Gdańsk. Poland: Harmonia Universalis.
Van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. (2015). Nowoczesne podejścia do terapii giełkotu (Innovative approaches to the treatment of cluttering). In K.Węsierska (Ed.), Zaburzenia płynności mowy – teoria i praktyka, Tom 1. (Fluency Disorders: Theory and Practice, Vol.1) (pp. 265–288). Katowice: Komlogo – Uniwersytet Śląski (in Polish).
St. Louis, K. O., Williams, M. J., Ware, M. B., Guendouzi, J., & Reichel, I. K. (2014). The public opinion survey of human attributes-stuttering (POSHA-S) and bipolar adjective scale (BAS): Aspects of validity. Journal of Communication Disorders, 50(4), 36-50.
St. Louis, K. O., Przepíorka, A. M., Beste-Guldborg, A., Williams, M. J., Blachnio, A., Guendouzi, J., Reichel, I. & Ware, M. B. (2014). Stuttering attitudes of students: Professional, intracultural, and international comparisons. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 39(1), 34-50.
Van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. (2013). Qu’est-ce que le bredouillement? Pistes pour l’intervention orthophonique. Reeducation Orthophonique, 256,119—153 (in French).
Reichel, I., & Draguns, J. (2011). International perspectives on perceiving, identifying, and managing cluttering. In D. Ward & K. Scaler Scott (Eds.), Cluttering: A handbook of research, intervention, and education (pp. 263-280). East Sussex, Great Britain: Psychology Press.
Reichel, I. (2010). Treating the person who clutters and stutters. In K.,Bakker, L. Raphael, & F. Myers (Ed.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Cluttering, Katarino, Bulgaria, 2007 (pp. 99-108).
Reichel, I. (2010). Presentation of Deso Weiss award to Dr. Kenneth 0. St. Louis, in K. Bakker, L. Raphael, & F. Myers (Ed). Proceedings of the First World Conference on Cluttering. Katarino, Bulgaria, 2007 (pp. 6-10).
Reichel, I., Bakker, B., & Myers, F. (2010). The worldwide panorama of cluttering: Non-Western countries. International Cluttering Online Conference, Stuttering Home Page, [Minnesota State University, Mankato]. Retrieved from
Exum, T., Absalon, C., Smith, B., & Reichel, I. K. (2010). People with cluttering and stuttering have room for success. International Cluttering Online Conference, Stuttering Home Page [Minnesota State University, Mankato]: Retrieved from
Bakker, K., Reichel, I., & Bennett Lanouette, E. (2009). Brochure. International Cluttering Association. Retrieved from
St. Louis, K. O., Reichel, I., Yaruss, S. J., & Lubker, B. (2009). Construct and concurrent validity of a prototype questionnaire to survey public attitudes toward stuttering. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 34(1), 11-28.
Reichel, I., K. (2008). Speech upon presenting Deso Weiss award to Dr. Kenneth O. St. Louis. The Bulgarian Journal of Communication Disorders 2(2), 86-87.
Reichel, I. (2007). Emotional intelligence and stuttering intervention. 10th International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference. Stuttering Home Page. [Minnesota State University, Mankato]; International dialogue. Retrieved from
Reichel, I., & St. Louis, K. O. (2007). Mitigating negative stereotyping of stuttering in a fluency disorders class. In J. Au-Yeung & M. Leahy (Eds.), Research, treatment, and self-help in fluency disorders: New horizons (pp. 236 –244). Dublin, Ireland. International Fluency Association.
Reichel, I., & St. Louis, K. O. (2004). The effects of emotional intelligence training in graduate fluency disorders classes. In H-G Bosshardt, J. S. Yaruss, & H. F. M. Peters (Eds.), Fluency disorders: Theory, research, treatment, and self-help (pp. 474—481). Nijmegen, the Netherlands: International Fluency Association/Nijmegen University Press.
Shapiro, D. A. (USA), Abbink, M. (Poland, Germany), Bortz, M. (S. Africa), Bruna, A. (Chile), Cook, F. (England), Dhu, P. (Australia), Einarsdottir, J. (Iceland), Haynes, E. (Canada), Makoni, S. (S. Africa), Miyamoto, S. (Japan), Molt, L. (USA), Moses, N. (Chile), Reichel, I. (Russia & Ukraine), Simon, A.-M. (France), Touzet, B.(Argentina), Van Zaalen,Y (Netherlands), Wahlhaus, M. (S.Africa, Australia) (2004). A multinational investigation of stuttering intervention: Assumptions, practices, and lessons. In A. Packman, A. Meltzer, & H. F. M. Peters (Eds.), Theory, research and therapy in fluency disorders (pp. 123-138). Nijmegen, the Netherlands: Nijmegen University Press.
Shapiro, D. A., Molt, L. F., Lundberg, A., Reichel, I., Ohashi, Y., Simon, A. M., & Wahlhaus, M. (2001, Juin). Le traitement du begaiement: Son approcheselon differents pays, influences diverse et lecons generales. Reeducation Orthophonique, 206, 113-126 (in French).
Shapiro, D. A., Molt, L. F., Lundberg, A., Reichel, I., Ohashi, Y, Simon, A. M., & Wahlhaus, M. (2000). Multinational understanding through stuttering intervention: Diverse influences and global lessons. In H-G Bosshardt, J. S. Yaruss, & H. F. M. Peters (Eds.), Fluency disorders: Theory, research, treatment, and self-help (pp. 505-512). Nijmegen, the Netherlands: International Fluency Association/Nijmegen University Press.
Shapiro, D. A., Molt, L. F., Lundberg, A., Reichel, I., Ohashi, Y., Simon, A. M., & Wahlhaus, M. (2000). Multinational understanding through stuttering intervention: Diverse influences and global lessons. Journal of Fluency Disorders 25(3),190.
National Publications
St. Louis, K., et al. (in preparation). Can public attitudes toward stuttering be changed? A comparison of 29 intervention studies and 12 non-intervention studies. The manuscript is in preparation for submission to the Journal of Research
Van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. (2017). Prevalence of cluttering in two European countries: A pilot study. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, Vol. 2 (SIG 17), 42-49.
Junuzović-Žunić, L., Weidner, M. E., Reichel, I., Cook, S., St. Louis, K. O., Ware, M. (2015). Effects of fluency disorders coursework on students’ stuttering attitudes in two countries. In K. O. St. Louis (Ed.). Stuttering meets stereotype, stigma, and discrimination: An overview of attitude research (pp. 226-242).Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University Press.
Van Zaalen, Y., & Reichel, I. (2014). Cluttering treatment: Theoretical considerations and intervention planning. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders .Special issue on cluttering, 4(2), 57-62.
Reichel, I. (USA), Ademola G. S. (Nigeria), Bakhtiar, M. (Iran), Barrett, E. (Uganda), Bona, J. (Hungary), Busto-Marolt, L. (Argentina), Nanjaya, N. C. (Uganda), Diaz, C.(Argentina), Haj-Tas, M. (Jordan), Lilian, D. (S. Africa), Makauskiene, M. (Lithuania), Miyamoto, S. (Japan), Shah, E. (Kenya), Touzet, B. (Argentina), & Yasin, S. (Sudan) (2014). Frontiers of cluttering across continents: Research, clinical practices, self-help and professional preparation. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders. Special issue on cluttering, 4(2), 42-50.
Reichel, I., Scaler Scott, K. (USA), van Zaalen, Y. (Netherlands), St. Louis, K. 0. (USA), Van Borsel, J. (Belgium), Leahy, M. (Ireland), Ward, D. (Great Britain), Sonsterud, H. (Norway), Adams, C. (USA), Ademola, G. (Nigeria) (2013). ICA international mosaic on cluttering: Historic origins, research, assessment, and treatment. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders 3(1), 5-13.
Reichel, I., & Bakker, K. (2009). Global landscape on cluttering. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Special issue on cluttering, 19(2), 62-66.
Reichel, I. & Ray, A., (2008). The ICA adopts the cluttering orphan. Perspectives on Fluency and Fluency Disorders, American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 18(2), 84-86.
Reichel, I. (2005). Development of emotional intelligence module in graduate fluency disorders courses. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.Nova Southeastern University, Florida.
Isabella has published extensively in scientific and professional journals and has authored and co-authored a few book chapters. To find out more about Reichel’s scientific publications go to Curriculum Vitae